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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about Trick Shot game, Box2D, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Here we go with the 3rd part of Trick Shot HTML5 game prototype. I showed you how to charge and launch the ball in step 1, and how to create a moving crate along with an obstacle in step 2. Now it’s time to handle collisions to determine if the ball entered in the crate without touching its opened top. Let’s have a look at what we are going to create:
You should know how to play, click and drag inside red box to create and charge the ball, release to launch the ball and try to make it fall inside the crate. If the ball falls inside the crate, that is if the ball hits the sensor, we set ball restitution to zero to make it stop inside the crate. If the ball touches crate opened top, then I destroy it. The original game does not work this way, but it’s just a prototype to show you how to handle collisions. And this is the commented source code, with new lines highlighted.
// the game itself
var game;

// the ball you are about to fire
var ball;

// the rectangle where you can place the ball and charge the launch power
var launchRectangle = new Phaser.Rectangle(30, 250, 200, 150);

// here we will draw the predictive trajectory
var trajectoryGraphics;

// a simply multiplier to increase launch power
var forceMult = 5;

// here we will store the launch velocity
var launchVelocity;

// this is the compound object which will represent the crate
var crateBody;

// we are going to create a moving crate, so this is crate speed
var crateSpeed = 160;

// function to be executed when the window loads
window.onload = function() {	
     // starting the game itself
	game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, "");
     // creation and execution of "PlayGame" state

var playGame = function(game){};

playGame.prototype = {
     // preloading graphic assets (only the ball)
	preload: function(){
          game.load.image("ball", "ball.png");
     // function to be executed onche game has been created
  	create: function(){
          // adding a new graphics and drawing the launch rectangle in it
          var launchGraphics =, 0);
          launchGraphics.lineStyle(5, 0xff0000);
          launchGraphics.drawRect(launchRectangle.x, launchRectangle.y, launchRectangle.width, launchRectangle.height);          
          // also adding the graphics where we'll draw the trajectory
          trajectoryGraphics =, 0);          
          // setting initial launch velocity to zero
          launchVelocity = new Phaser.Point(0, 0);
          // changing game background to dark grey
		game.stage.backgroundColor = "#222222";
          // initializing Box2D physics
          // setting gravity
          game.physics.box2d.gravity.y = 500;
		// waiting for player input then call placeBall function
          // this is how we build the crate as a compound body
          // it's a kinematic body so it will act as a static body, but it will also react to forces
          crateBody = new Phaser.Physics.Box2D.Body(game, null, 500, 440, 1);
          crateBody.restitution = 0.98;
          crateBody.addRectangle(120, 10, 0, 0);
          crateBody.addRectangle(10, 110, -55, -60);
          crateBody.addRectangle(10, 110, 55, -60);
          var crateTop = crateBody.addRectangle(10, 40, 68, -124, Math.PI / 4);
          // adding custom user data to give crate parts a name
          crateTop.m_userData = "top";
          crateTop = crateBody.addRectangle(10, 40, -68, -124, -Math.PI / 4);
          crateTop.m_userData = "top";
          // inside the crate we also place a sensor to check if the ball is inside the crate
          var sensor = crateBody.addRectangle(100, 70, 0, -40);
          sensor.m_isSensor = true;
          // adding custom user data to give crate sensor a name
          sensor.m_userData = "inside";
          // setting crate bitmask to check for selective collisions
          // setting crate horizontal velocity
          crateBody.velocity.x = crateSpeed;
          // also placing a static object to make the game a little harder
          var barBody = new Phaser.Physics.Box2D.Body(game, null, 350, 300, 0);
          barBody.setRectangle(10, 400, 0, 0);
     render: function(){
          // this is the debug draw in action
     update: function(){
          // updating create velocity according to its position
          if(crateBody.x > 710){
               crateBody.velocity.x = - crateSpeed;         
          if(crateBody.x < 500){
               crateBody.velocity.x = crateSpeed;         

// this function will place the ball
function placeBall(e){
     // we place a new ball only if we are inside launch rectangle
     if(launchRectangle.contains(e.x, e.y)){
          // adding ball sprite
          ball = game.add.sprite(e.x, e.y, "ball");
          // enabling physics to ball sprite
          // temporarily set ball gravity to zero, so it won't fall down
          ball.body.gravityScale = 0;
          // telling Box2D we are dealing with a circle shape
          ball.body.setCircle(ball.width / 2);
          ball.body.restitution = 0.98;
          // removing onDown listener
          // when the player ends the input call launchBall function
          // when the player moves the input call chargeBall

// this function will allow the player to charge the ball before the launch, and it's the core of the example
function chargeBall(pointer, x, y, down){
     // we does not allow multitouch, so we are only handling pointer which id is zero
     if( == 0){
          // clearing trajectory graphics, setting its line style and move the pen on ball position
          trajectoryGraphics.lineStyle(3, 0x00ff00);
          trajectoryGraphics.moveTo(ball.x, ball.y);
          // now we have two options: the pointer is inside the launch rectangle...
          if(launchRectangle.contains(x, y)){
               // ... and in this case we simply draw a line to pointer position
               trajectoryGraphics.lineTo(x, y);
               launchVelocity.x = ball.x - x;
               launchVelocity.y = ball.y - y;               
          // ... but the pointer cal also be OUTSIDE launch rectangle
               // ... in this case we have to check for the intersection between launch line and launch rectangle
               var intersection = lineIntersectsRectangle(new Phaser.Line(x, y, ball.x, ball.y), launchRectangle);
               trajectoryGraphics.lineTo(intersection.x, intersection.y);
               launchVelocity.x = ball.x - intersection.x;
               launchVelocity.y = ball.y - intersection.y;
          // now it's time to draw the predictive trajectory  
          trajectoryGraphics.lineStyle(1, 0x00ff00);  
          launchVelocity.multiply(forceMult, forceMult);
          for (var i = 0; i < 180; i += 6){
               var trajectoryPoint = getTrajectoryPoint(ball.x, ball.y, launchVelocity.x, launchVelocity.y, i);
               trajectoryGraphics.moveTo(trajectoryPoint.x - 3, trajectoryPoint.y - 3); 
               trajectoryGraphics.lineTo(trajectoryPoint.x + 3, trajectoryPoint.y + 3);
               trajectoryGraphics.moveTo(trajectoryPoint.x - 3, trajectoryPoint.y + 3);  
               trajectoryGraphics.lineTo(trajectoryPoint.x + 3, trajectoryPoint.y - 3);        

// function to launch the ball
function launchBall(){
     // adjusting callbacks
     // setting ball velocity
     ball.body.velocity.x = launchVelocity.x;
     ball.body.velocity.y = launchVelocity.y;
     // applying the gravity to the ball
     ball.body.gravityScale = 1;
     // ball collision listener callback
     ball.body.setCategoryContactCallback(2, ballHitsCrate);     

// function to be executed when the ball hits the crate
function ballHitsCrate(body1, body2, fixture1, fixture2, begin){ 
     // we only want this to happen when the hit begins
          // if the ball hits the sensor inside...
          if(fixture2.m_userData == "inside"){
               // setting restitution to zero to prevent the ball to jump off the box, but it's just a "hey I got the collision" test 
               body1.restitution = 0;
               // now the ball looks for a contact category which does not exist, so we won't trigger anymore the contact with the sensor
               body1.setCategoryContactCallback(4, ballHitsCrate);
          // if the ball hits the crate top, destroy it. Again, it's just an "I got you!" collision feedback   
          if(fixture2.m_userData == "top"){

// simple function to check for intersection between a segment and a rectangle
function lineIntersectsRectangle(l, r){
     return l.intersects(new Phaser.Line(r.left,, r.right,, true) ||
          l.intersects(new Phaser.Line(r.left, r.bottom, r.right, r.bottom), true) ||
          l.intersects(new Phaser.Line(r.left,, r.left, r.bottom), true) ||
          l.intersects(new Phaser.Line(r.right,, r.right, r.bottom), true);

// function to calculate the trajectory point taken from
function getTrajectoryPoint(startX, startY, velocityX, velocityY, n) {
     var t = 1 / 60;    
     var stepVelocityX = t * game.physics.box2d.pxm(-velocityX); 
     var stepVelocityY = t * game.physics.box2d.pxm(-velocityY);    
     var stepGravityX = t * t * game.physics.box2d.pxm(-game.physics.box2d.gravity.x); 
     var stepGravityY = t * t * game.physics.box2d.pxm(-game.physics.box2d.gravity.y);
     startX = game.physics.box2d.pxm(-startX);
     startY = game.physics.box2d.pxm(-startY);    
     var tpx = startX + n * stepVelocityX + 0.5 * (n * n + n) * stepGravityX;
     var tpy = startY + n * stepVelocityY + 0.5 * (n * n + n) * stepGravityY;    
     tpx = game.physics.box2d.mpx(-tpx);
     tpy = game.physics.box2d.mpx(-tpy);    
     return {
          x: tpx, 
          y: tpy 
Now you can make your Trick Shot levels. Next time I will show you the first couple of levels, meanwhile download the source code

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