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Talking about Perfect Square! game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Here we go with the second step of Perfect Square! game. In first step we saw how to create the basic prototype of the game in only 100 lines, this time we are going to add only 30 more lines but we will feature level progression and the main GUI. In games like Perfect Square!, as well as Circle Path, you don’t actually progress through levels: you just have to make a successful move in level 1 – in this case make the square fall in its place – then you advance to level 2 where you have to make two successful moves, reaching level three where you have to make three successful moves and so on. Try to play the game:
Press and hold to make the square grow, release to drop it. As you can see you can advance levels, although your progress is not saved yet. And this is the source code, still uncommented but next time with the final prototype you will have the usual line-by-line comments:
var game;
var bgColors = [0x62bd18, 0xff5300, 0xd21034, 0xff475c, 0x8f16b2, 0x588c7e, 0x8c4646];
var holeWidthRange = [40, 240];
var wallRange = [10, 70];
var level = 1;
window.onload = function() {		
	game = new Phaser.Game(480, 640, Phaser.AUTO, "");
     game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);
var playGame = function(game){};
playGame.prototype = {
     preload: function(){
          game.load.image("base", "base.png");
          game.load.image("square", "square.png");
          game.load.image("top", "top.png");
          game.load.bitmapFont("font", "font.png", "font.fnt");
     create: function(){
          game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
		game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
          game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
          var tintColor = bgColors[game.rnd.between(0, bgColors.length - 1)];
          game.stage.backgroundColor = tintColor; 
          this.leftSquare = game.add.sprite(0, game.height, "base");
          this.leftSquare.anchor.set(1, 1); 
          this.rightSquare = game.add.sprite(game.width, game.height, "base");
          this.rightSquare.anchor.set(0, 1); 
          this.leftWall = game.add.sprite(0, game.height - this.leftSquare.height, "top");
          this.leftWall.anchor.set(1, 1); 
          this.rightWall = game.add.sprite(game.width, game.height - this.rightSquare.height, "top");
          this.rightWall.anchor.set(0, 1);
          this.square = game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, - 400, "square");
          this.square.successful = 0;
          this.squareText = game.add.bitmapText(0, 0, "font", (level - this.square.successful).toString(), 120);
          this.squareText.tint = tintColor;
          this.levelText = game.add.bitmapText(game.width / 2, 0, "font", "Level " + level, 60);
          this.levelText.anchor.set(0.5, 0);
          this.square.scale.setTo(0.2, 0.2);
     updateLevel: function(){
          this.squareText.text = (level - this.square.successful).toString();
          var holeWidth = game.rnd.between(holeWidthRange[0], holeWidthRange[1]);
          var wallWidth = game.rnd.between(wallRange[0], wallRange[1]);
          var leftSquareTween = game.add.tween(this.leftSquare).to({
               x: (game.width - holeWidth) / 2
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true); 
          var rightSquareTween = game.add.tween(this.rightSquare).to({
               x: (game.width + holeWidth) / 2
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
          var leftWalltween = game.add.tween(this.leftWall).to({
               x: (game.width - holeWidth) / 2 - wallWidth
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true); 
          var rightWallTween = game.add.tween(this.rightWall).to({
               x: (game.width + holeWidth) / 2 + wallWidth
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
          var squareTween = game.add.tween(this.square).to({
               y: 150,
               angle: 50               
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true); 
               game.input.onDown.add(this.grow, this);
               this.rotateTween = game.add.tween(this.square).to({
                    angle: 40
               }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true, 0, -1, true)        
          }, this);
          var growTween = game.add.tween(this.square.scale).to({
               x: 0.2,
               y: 0.2
          }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);                 
     grow: function(){
          game.input.onDown.remove(this.grow, this);
          game.input.onUp.add(this.stop, this);
          this.growTween = game.add.tween(this.square.scale).to({
               x: 1,
               y: 1
          }, 1500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);                        
     stop: function(){
          var message = "";
, function(){
                    this.levelText.text = message;
          }, this); 
 * 2, function(){
               if(this.square.successful == level){
          }, this); 
          game.input.onUp.remove(this.stop, this);  
          this.rotateTween = game.add.tween(this.square).to({
               angle: 0
          }, 300, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
          if(this.square.width <= this.rightSquare.x - this.leftSquare.x){
               message = "Oh no!!";
                    this.fallTween = game.add.tween(this.square).to({
                         y: game.height + this.square.height
                    }, 600, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out, true);
               }, this);       
               if(this.square.width <= this.rightWall.x - this.leftWall.x){
                    var destY = game.height - this.leftSquare.height - this.square.height / 2;  
                    this.square.successful ++;
                    var destY = game.height - this.leftSquare.height - this.leftWall.height - this.square.height / 2;
                    message = "Oh no!!";
                    y: destY
               }, 600, Phaser.Easing.Bounce.Out, true);       
I plan to complete the game with less than 200 lines, meanwhile download the source code.

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