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Talking about Drag and Match game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

One of the things I love about Phaser is it gets updated extremely often, always looking for new features to add and new stuff to optimize. About two years ago I blogged about a Drag and Match engine, and since during these days I am making some experiments with Match 3 engines like the Bejeweled engine I blogged about some days ago, it’s time to update the prototype to Phaser 2.5.0 as I am going to add new features during next days. So here it is:
You should know how to play with it, just select a square and drag horizontally or vertically to move the entire row or column. And this is the source code, still uncommented because I will add full comments to the code when new features will be added, at least to make the prototype a little more playable.
var game;
var tileSize = 50;
var fieldSize = 6;
var tileTypes = 6
var movingRow;
var movingCol;
var tileArray = [];
var startX;
var startY;
var distX;
var distY;
var dragDirection = "";
var tempTile;

window.onload = function() {	        
	game = new Phaser.Game(300, 300);
	game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame)

var playGame = function(game){}
playGame.prototype = {
	preload: function(){
          game.load.spritesheet("tiles", "tiles.png", tileSize, tileSize);
          game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
     	game.scale.setScreenSize = true;
          game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
          game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
	create: function(){
          for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
			tileArray[i] = [];
			for(j = 0; j < fieldSize; j++){
				var randomTile = Math.floor(Math.random() * tileTypes);
				theTile = game.add.sprite(j * tileSize, i * tileSize, "tiles");
				theTile.frame = randomTile;
				theTile.value = randomTile;
				tileArray[i][j] = theTile;	
		tempTile = game.add.sprite(0, 0, "tiles");
		tempTile.visible = false;
		game.input.onDown.add(pickTile, this);

function pickTile(){
	startX = game.input.worldX;
	startY = game.input.worldY;
	movingRow = Math.floor(startY / tileSize);
	movingCol = Math.floor(startX / tileSize);
	dragging = true;
	game.input.onDown.remove(pickTile, this);
	game.input.onUp.add(releaseTile, this);
     game.input.addMoveCallback(moveTile, this);

function moveTile(){
	distX = game.input.worldX - startX;
	distY = game.input.worldY - startY;
		case "":
			var dist = distX * distX + distY * distY;
			if(dist > 25) {
				var dragAngle = Math.abs(Math.atan2(distY, distX));
				if((dragAngle > Math.PI / 4 && dragAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 4)) {
   					dragDirection = "vertical";
				else {
   					dragDirection = "horizontal";
		case "horizontal":
			tempTile.visible = false;
			tempTile.y = movingRow * tileSize;
			var deltaX = (Math.floor(distX / tileSize) % fieldSize);
			if (deltaX >= 0) {									
				tempTile.frame = tileArray[movingRow][fieldSize - 1 - deltaX].value;
				deltaX=deltaX * -1 -1;
				tempTile.frame = tileArray[movingRow][deltaX].value;		
			for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
				tileArray[movingRow][i].x = (i * tileSize + distX) % (tileSize * fieldSize);
				if (tileArray[movingRow][i].x < 0) {
   					tileArray[movingRow][i].x += tileSize * fieldSize;
                    if(distX % tileSize > 0){
                    	tempTile.visible = true;
                         tempTile.x = distX % tileSize - tileSize;
                    if(distX % tileSize < 0){
                    	tempTile.visible = true;
                         tempTile.x = distX % tileSize;
		case "vertical":
			tempTile.visible = false;
			tempTile.x = movingCol * tileSize;
			var deltaY = (Math.floor(distY / tileSize) % fieldSize);
			if (deltaY >= 0) {									
				tempTile.frame = tileArray[fieldSize - 1 - deltaY][movingCol].value;
				deltaY = deltaY * -1 -1;
				tempTile.frame = tileArray[deltaY][movingCol].value;		
			for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
				tileArray[i][movingCol].y = (i * tileSize + distY) % (tileSize * fieldSize);
				if (tileArray[i][movingCol].y < 0) {
   					tileArray[i][movingCol].y += tileSize * fieldSize;
                    if(distY % tileSize > 0){
                    	tempTile.visible = true;
                         tempTile.y = distY % tileSize - tileSize;
                    if(distY % tileSize < 0){
                    	tempTile.visible = true;
                         tempTile.y = distY % tileSize;
function releaseTile(){
		case "horizontal":
			var shiftAmount = Math.floor(distX / (tileSize / 2));
			shiftAmount = Math.ceil(shiftAmount / 2) % fieldSize;
			var tempArray = [];
			if(shiftAmount > 0){
				for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
					tempArray[(shiftAmount + i) % fieldSize] = tileArray[movingRow][i].value;
				shiftAmount *= -1;
				for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
					tempArray[i] = tileArray[movingRow][(shiftAmount + i) % fieldSize].value;
			for(i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
				tileArray[movingRow][i].value = tempArray[i];
				tileArray[movingRow][i].frame = tempArray[i];
				tileArray[movingRow][i].x = i * tileSize;
		case "vertical":
			var shiftAmount = Math.floor(distY / (tileSize / 2));
				shiftAmount = Math.ceil(shiftAmount / 2) % fieldSize;
				var tempArray = [];
				if(shiftAmount > 0){
					for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
						tempArray[(shiftAmount + i) % fieldSize] = tileArray[i][movingCol].value;
					shiftAmount *= -1;
					for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
						tempArray[i] = tileArray[(shiftAmount + i) % fieldSize][movingCol].value;
				for(var i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++){
					tileArray[i][movingCol].value = tempArray[i];
					tileArray[i][movingCol].frame = tempArray[i];
					tileArray[i][movingCol].y= i * tileSize;
	dragDirection = "";
	tempTile.visible = false;
	game.input.onUp.remove(releaseTile, this);
     game.input.deleteMoveCallback(moveTile, this);  
	game.input.onDown.add(pickTile, this);
While I am turning it into a fully featured prototype you can download the source code and let me know if you manage to make something interesting out of it.

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