Talking about String Avoider game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
If you liked the post “String Avoider” HTML5 game updated to Phaser 2.6.2 and want to continue in the creation of your own string avoider game, there is something more to keep in mind if you want your game to work well on mobile devices. First, we have to fix a graphic glitch due to Phaser (and PIXI)lineTo
method, which causes a graphic error when the angle between two segments drawn with lineTo
method is too close to 180 degrees.
This is what I mean:
There is really no way to avoid this while you use a series of lineTo
methods because Phaser (and PIXI) does not feature caps and joints management in lineStyle
like good old AS3 did.
To fix this glitch, we’ll have to reposition the graphic pen each time we use a lineTo
method, you will find this fix at line 201 of the source code.
Then we added a start and an end where the string starts and must stop, but above all there was an important change in the way the string is moved.
If you play the game on mobile, with your string running under your finger, you won’t be able to see the position of your string head because it’s covered by your finger. This would affect gameplay in a very negative way, so I changed the way it works: if you touch the canvas in any position and move your mouse/finger, the string will move the same way following your input movement, but you will be able to see your string head because if you are a smart player you won’t be covering it with your finger.
Look at the game:
Touch the canvas, and “start” circle will disappear revealing the string, drag your finger anywhere and see how the string follows your finger movements. Touch an obstacle or reach the end and the game will restart in two seconds.
This is way better, isn’t it? You can also play directly on your mobile device from this link.
And obviously the graphic glitch disappeared. Here is the full commented source code:
// the game itself
var game
var gameOptions = {
// game width
gameWidth: 640,
// game height
gameHeight: 960,
// number of segments which build the tail
tailSegments: 300,
// lenght of each segment
segmentLength: 2
// when the window loads
window.onload = function() {
// game creation
game = new Phaser.Game(gameOptions.gameWidth, gameOptions.gameHeight);
// adding game state
game.state.add("TheGame", TheGame);
// starting game state
var TheGame = function(){};
TheGame.prototype = {
// when the state preloads
preload: function(){
// setting the game on maximum scale mode to cover the entire screen
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
// preloading maze image, a PNG image with transparency
game.load.image("maze", "assets/sprites/maze.png");
// preloading start and end icons as spritesheet
game.load.spritesheet("startend", "assets/sprites/startend.png", 80, 80);
// once the state has been created
create: function(){
// creation of a bitmap data with the same size as the game
this.bitmap = game.make.bitmapData(game.width, game.height);
// drawing "maze" image on the bitmap data
// updating bitmap data to let it have actual image data
// adding the bitmap data as a sprite
game.add.sprite(0, 0, this.bitmap);
// adding start icon
this.startSpot = game.add.sprite(80, 80, "startend", 0);
// setting start icon registration point to its centre
// adding end icon
this.endSpot = game.add.sprite(game.width - 80, game.height - 80, "startend", 1);
// setting start icon registration point to its centre
// just a flag to inform us if we already had an input, that is if the player already clicked/touched the canvas
this.firstInput = true;
// we create a graphics instance called "canvas", we'll draw the string on it
this.canvas =, 0);
// segments is the array which will contain string segments
this.segments = [];
// waiting for player input to call startMove method
game.input.onDown.add(this.startMove, this);
// startMove method, will be called each time the player touches/clicks the canvas
startMove: function(e){
// checking if it's the first input: player clicks/touchs the canvas for the first time
// not the first input anymore
this.firstInput = false;
// making start icon invisible
this.startSpot.visible = false;
// populating segments array with an amount of "gameOptions.tailSegments" Phaser Point objects
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.tailSegments; i++){
// I want the string to be a circle at first, so I am using a little trigonometry to place these points accordingly
var radians = 12 * Math.PI * i / gameOptions.tailSegments + Math.PI / 4;
// creating Points objects and placing them into segments array. "10" is the radius of the circle
this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(this.startSpot.x + 10 * Math.cos(radians), this.startSpot.y + 10 * Math.sin(radians));
// calling moveString function. Actually this function moves and renders the string, and the two arguments represent
// respectively the x and y movement to apply to string's head. We set them to zero because there's no movement
this.moveString(0, 0);
// removing callback
game.input.onDown.remove(this.startMove, this);
// add a move callback to be fired when the player moves the mouse/finger and call dragString method
game.input.addMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);
// add a up callback to be fired when the player releases the finger/mouse button and call endMove method
game.input.onUp.add(this.endMove, this);
// saving current event position, that is the position where the player is currently touching/clicking
this.startPosition = e.position;
// endMove method is called when the player released the finger/the mouse button
endMove: function(){
// waiting for player input to call startMove method
game.input.onDown.add(this.startMove, this);
// removing other listeners
game.input.onUp.remove(this.endMove, this);
game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);
// dragString method is called when the player moves the finger or the mouse while keeping mouse button pressed
dragString: function(e){
// calling moveString function. Actually this function moves and renders the string, and the two arguments represent
// respectively the x and y movement to apply to string's head.
// We set them to represent the distance from current input position and previous input position
this.moveString(e.position.x - this.startPosition.x, e.position.y - this.startPosition.y);
// updating startPosition variable
this.startPosition = new Phaser.Point(e.position.x, e.position.y);
// moveString method updates and renders the string
moveString: function(x, y){
// it's not game over yet
var gameOver = false;
// clearing the canvas, ready to be redrawn
// setting line style to a 4 pixel thick line, red, 100% opaque
this.canvas.lineStyle(8, 0x00ff00, 1);
// the head of the string is current input position
var head = new Phaser.Point(this.segments[0].x + x, this.segments[0].y + y);
// placing the pen on the head
this.canvas.moveTo(head.x, head.y);
// the first segment is the head itself
this.segments[0] = new Phaser.Point(head.x, head.y);
// looping through all segments starting from the second one
for(var i = 1; i < this.segments.length - 1; i++){
// determining the angle between current segment and previous segment
var nodeAngle = Math.atan2(this.segments[i].y - this.segments[i - 1].y, this.segments[i].x - this.segments[i - 1].x);
// calculating new segment position according to previous segment position and the angle
this.segments[i] = new Phaser.Point(this.segments[i - 1].x + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.cos(nodeAngle), this.segments[i - 1].y + gameOptions.segmentLength * Math.sin(nodeAngle));
// getting the color behind the segment
var color = this.bitmap.getPixelRGB(Math.round(this.segments[i].x), Math.round(this.segments[i].y));
// if the color alpha is different than zero, that is it's not a transparent pixel...
if(color.a != 0){
// from now on, draw the string in red
this.canvas.lineStyle(4, 0xff0000, 1);
// game over...
gameOver = true;
// drawing the segment
this.canvas.lineTo(this.segments[i].x, this.segments[i].y);
// repositioning graphic pen to avoid graphic glitch
this.canvas.moveTo(this.segments[i].x, this.segments[i].y);
// if it's game over or the head of the string is fairly inside the end spot...
if(this.segments[0].distance(this.endSpot.position) < this.endSpot.width / 4 || gameOver){
// removing listeners
game.input.onUp.remove(this.endMove, this);
game.input.deleteMoveCallback(this.dragString, this);
// wait 2 seconds before restarting the game. * 2, function(){
}, this);
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