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Talking about Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

If you plan to create card games, it will come a time when you have to show covered cards, showing their backs, and then you need to flip them showing their value. Normally, with a 3D engine it would be really an easy task, as it’s just a primitive which flips along one of its axis. What to do when we aren’t using a 3D engine? We can fake the flip movement using a couple of Phaser tweens. We can zoom the card along its vertical axis, giving the feeling the card is being raised, while we shrink it along its horizontal axis until the card is just a line – that’s the moment when the card is perpendicular to the table. Then we change card frame, lower the card acting on its y scale while we enlarge it along its horizontal axis to slowly show the new frame.
Click or tap on the card to make it flip. Here is the completely commented source code, for you to play:
// the game itself
var game;

// global object with game options
var gameOptions = {

    // flipping speed in milliseconds
    flipSpeed: 200,

    // flipping zoom ratio. Simulates the card to be raised when flipping
    flipZoom: 1.2
window.onload = function() {

    // creation of a 500x500 pixels game
    game = new Phaser.Game(500, 500);

    // game states
    game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame);

var playGame = function(game){}
playGame.prototype = {
    preload: function(){

        // making the game cover the biggest window area possible while showing all content
        game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
        game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
        game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;

        // changing background colors
        game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x448844;

        // card sprite sheet
        game.load.spritesheet("cards", "cards.png", 167, 243);

    create: function(){

        // adding the card
        this.card =  game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, game.height / 2, "cards", 0);

        // setting card anchor points to its center

        // custom property to tell us if the card is flipping. It's not, at the moment.
        this.card.isFlipping = false;

        // waiting for player input

            // if the card is not flipping...

                // it's flipping now!
                this.card.isFlipping = true;

                // start the first of the two flipping animations
        }, this);

        // first tween: we raise and flip the card
        this.flipTween = game.add.tween(this.card.scale).to({
            x: 0,
            y: gameOptions.flipZoom
        }, gameOptions.flipSpeed / 2, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None);

        // once the card is flipped, we change its frame and call the second tween
            this.card.frame = 1 - this.card.frame;
        }, this);

        // second tween: we complete the flip and lower the card
        this.backFlipTween = game.add.tween(this.card.scale).to({
            x: 1,
            y: 1
        }, gameOptions.flipSpeed / 2, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None);

        // once the card has been placed down on the table, we can flip it again
            this.card.isFlipping = false;
        }, this);

Now you can add some realism to your 2D card games. Next time I will show you how to add shadows and another couple of interesting effects, meanwhile download the source code.

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