Talking about Ballz game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Here we go with the second step of Ballz HTML5 prototype. In first step we created a bouncing ball with a fake predictive trajectory. Now it’s time to add the blocks you will destroy by launching the ball at them. Blocks are ARCADE physics bodies, all children of the same group, since it’s easy to check for collision between groups, and it’s also easy to move all group children with a single tween, when it’s time to scroll down the blocks. Have a look at the game: Tap/click and drag to the bottom to aim the ball, release to launch it, if you have a mobile device, you can play it directly from this link. At the moment blocks do not have a value since there isn’t the “multiball” mode yet, but it will be added in next step. But there’s already a “game over” condition when blocks are too close to the ball. This is the commented source code:
// the game itself
var game;
// global options
var gameOptions = {
// score panel height / game height
scorePanelHeight: 0.08,
// launch panel height / game height
launchPanelHeight: 0.18,
// ball size / game width
ballSize: 0.04,
// ball speed, in pixels/second
ballSpeed: 1000,
// block sports per line
blocksPerLine: 7,
// maximum amount of blocks per line
maxBlocksPerLine: 4
// when the window loads...
window.onload = function() {
// game creation
game = new Phaser.Game(640, 960, Phaser.CANVAS);
// add "PlayGame" state and execute it
game.state.add("PlayGame", playGame, true);
// "PlayGame" state
var playGame = function(){}
playGame.prototype = {
// when the state preloads
preload: function(){
// load graphic assets
game.load.image("ball", "ball.png");
game.load.image("panel", "panel.png");
game.load.image("trajectory", "trajectory.png");
game.load.image("block", "block.png");
// once the state has been created
create: function(){
// scale and background settings
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x202020;
// start ARCADE physics system
// place score panel
this.scorePanel = game.add.sprite(0, 0, "panel");
this.scorePanel.width = game.width;
this.scorePanel.height = Math.round(game.height * gameOptions.scorePanelHeight);
// enable ARCADE physics on score panel
game.physics.enable(this.scorePanel, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
// score panel will not move
this.scorePanel.body.immovable = true;
// place launch panel
this.launchPanel = game.add.sprite(0, game.height, "panel");
this.launchPanel.width = game.width;
this.launchPanel.height = Math.round(game.height * gameOptions.launchPanelHeight);
this.launchPanel.anchor.set(0, 1);
// enable ARCADE physics on launch panel
game.physics.enable(this.launchPanel, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
// launch panel will not move
this.launchPanel.body.immovable = true;
// place the ball
var ballSize = game.width * gameOptions.ballSize;
this.ball = game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, game.height - this.launchPanel.height - ballSize / 2, "ball");
this.ball.width = ballSize;
this.ball.height = ballSize;
// enable ARCADE physics on the ball
game.physics.enable(this.ball, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
// the ball will collide on bounds
// place the trajectory
this.trajectory = game.add.sprite(this.ball.x, this.ball.y, "trajectory");
this.trajectory.anchor.set(0.5, 1);
this.trajectory.visible = false;
// wait for player input
game.input.onDown.add(this.aimBall, this);
game.input.onUp.add(this.shootBall, this);
game.input.addMoveCallback(this.adjustBall, this);
// the player is not aiming
this.aiming = false;
// the player is not shooting
this.shooting = false;
// add the group where all blocks will be placed
this.blockGroup =;
// place a new line of boxes
placeLine: function(){
// determine block size
var blockSize = game.width / gameOptions.blocksPerLine;
// array of positions already picked up by a block
var placedBlocks = [];
// repeat "maxBlocksPerLine" times
for(var i = 0; i < gameOptions.maxBlocksPerLine; i++){
// choose a random position
var blockPosition = game.rnd.between(0, gameOptions.blocksPerLine - 1);
// if the random position is free...
if(placedBlocks.indexOf(blockPosition) == -1){
// insert the position into the array of already picked positions
// add the block
var block = game.add.sprite(blockPosition * blockSize + blockSize / 2, blockSize / 2 + game.height * gameOptions.scorePanelHeight, "block");
block.width = blockSize;
block.height = blockSize;
// enable ARCADE physics on block
game.physics.enable(block, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
// block will not move
block.body.immovable = true;
// custom property. Block starts at row 1
block.row = 1;
// add block to block group
aimBall: function(e){
// if the player is not shooting...
// the player is aiming
this.aiming = true;
adjustBall: function(e){
// if the player is aiming...
// check distance between initial and current input position
var distX = e.position.x - e.positionDown.x;
var distY = e.position.y - e.positionDown.y;
// a vertical distance of at least 10 pixels is required
if(distY > 10){
// place the trajectory over the ball
this.trajectory.position.set(this.ball.x, this.ball.y);
// show trajectory
this.trajectory.visible = true;
// calculate direction
this.direction = Phaser.Math.angleBetween(e.position.x, e.position.y, e.positionDown.x, e.positionDown.y);
// adjust trajectory angle according to direction, in degrees
this.trajectory.angle = Phaser.Math.radToDeg(this.direction) + 90;
// hide trajectory
this.trajectory.visible = false;
shootBall: function(){
// if the trajectory is visible...
// get angle of fire in radians
var angleOfFire = Phaser.Math.degToRad(this.trajectory.angle - 90);
// set ball velocity
this.ball.body.velocity.set(gameOptions.ballSpeed * Math.cos(angleOfFire), gameOptions.ballSpeed * Math.sin(angleOfFire));
// the player is shooting!
this.shooting = true;
// do not aim anymore
this.aiming = false;
// do not show the trajectory anymore
this.trajectory.visible = false;
update: function(){
// if the player is shooting...
// check for collision between the ball and the score panel. Just check and make it bounce
game.physics.arcade.collide(this.ball, this.scorePanel);
// check for collision between the ball and blockGroup children
game.physics.arcade.collide(this.ball, this.blockGroup, function(ball, block){
// destroy the block
}, null, this);
// check for collision between the ball and the launch panel
game.physics.arcade.collide(this.ball, this.launchPanel, function(){
// stop the ball
// use a tween to scroll down blockGroup group
var scrollTween = game.add.tween(this.blockGroup).to({
y: this.blockGroup.y + game.width / gameOptions.blocksPerLine
}, 200, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
// once the tween is completed...
// the player is not shooting
this.shooting = false;
// put the group in its original position
this.blockGroup.y = 0;
// loop through all blockGroup children
// adjust vertical position
i.y += game.width / gameOptions.blocksPerLine;
// increment row property
// if a block is too close to the ball...
if(i.row == gameOptions.blocksPerLine){
// restart the gameOptions
}, this);
// add a new line
}, this)
}, null, this);
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