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Talking about Yeah Bunny game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

The post about Yeah Bunny prototype has been one of my popular posts during these times so it’s time to update the prototype adding a very special kind of tile, a tile which was introduce not so long ago, when mobile gaming became popular. I am talking about the “STOP” tile, a tile which simply stops the player. Which may sound useless if you have a four direction controller, but is quite important in an auto runner like this yeah bunny prototype. Walking on the “STOP” tile – the red one – the character just stops running. In auto runner games, it’s used to stop the player and avoid spikes, or wait for elevators, or whatever your game design may suggest.
Click or tap to jump, double jump or wall jump. Step on the red tile to stop. The core of the concept lies in recognizing which kind of tile the player is stepping on, like you can see in this full commented source code, where new lines added to the original post have been highlighted:
var game;
var gameOptions = {

    // player gravity
    playerGravity: 900,

    // player friction when on wall
    playerGrip: 100,

    // player horizontal speed
    playerSpeed: 200,

    // player jump force
    playerJump: 400,

    // player double jump force
    playerDoubleJump: 300
window.onload = function() {
    var gameConfig = {
        type: Phaser.CANVAS,
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
        backgroundColor: 0x444444,
        physics: {
            default: "arcade",
            arcade: {
                gravity: {
                    y: 0
       scene: [preloadGame, playGame]
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class preloadGame extends Phaser.Scene{
        this.load.tilemapTiledJSON("level", "level.json");
        this.load.image("tile", "tile.png");
        this.load.image("hero", "hero.png");
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
        // creation of "level" tilemap = this.make.tilemap({
            key: "level"

        // adding tiles to tilemap
        var tile ="tileset01", "tile");

        // which layers should we render? That's right, "layer01"
        this.layer ="layer01", tile);

        // which tiles will collide? Tiles from 1 to 2
        this.layer.setCollisionBetween(1, 2);

        // adding the hero sprite and enabling ARCADE physics for the hero
        this.hero = this.physics.add.sprite(200, 376, "hero");

        // setting hero horizontal speed
        this.hero.body.velocity.x = gameOptions.playerSpeed;

        // the hero can jump
        this.canJump = true;

        // the hern cannot double jump
        this.canDoubleJump = false;

        // the hero is not on the wall
        this.onWall = false;

        // waiting for player input
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.handleJump, this);

        // set workd bounds to allow camera to follow the player
        this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, 1920, 1440);

        // making the camera follow the player
        // the hero can jump when:
        // canJump is true AND the hero is on the ground (blocked.down)
        // OR
        // the hero is on the wall
        if((this.canJump && this.hero.body.blocked.down) || this.onWall){

            // applying jump force
            this.hero.body.velocity.y = -gameOptions.playerJump;

            // is the hero on a wall?

                // change the horizontal velocity too. This way the hero will jump off the wall

            // hero can't jump anymore
            this.canJump = false;

            // hero is not on the wall anymore
            this.onWall = false;

            // the hero can now double jump
            this.canDoubleJump = true;

            // cam the hero make the doubple jump?

                // the hero can't double jump anymore
                this.canDoubleJump = false;

                // applying double jump force
                this.hero.body.velocity.y = -gameOptions.playerDoubleJump;

        // set some default gravity values. Look at the function for more information

        // handling collision between the hero and the tiles, this.layer, function(hero, layer){

            // should the player stop?
            var shouldStop = false;

            // some temporary variables to determine if the player is blocked only once
            var blockedDown = hero.body.blocked.down;
            var blockedLeft = hero.body.blocked.left
            var blockedRight = hero.body.blocked.right;

            // if the hero hits something, no double jump is allowed
            this.canDoubleJump = false;

            // hero on the ground

                // if we are on tile 2 (stop tile)...
                if(layer.index == 2){

                    // player should stop
                    shouldStop = true;

                // hero can jump
                this.canJump = true;

            // hero on the ground and touching a wall on the right

                // horizontal flipping hero sprite
                hero.flipX = true;

            // hero on the ground and touching a wall on the right

                // default orientation of hero sprite
                hero.flipX = false;

            // hero NOT on the ground and touching a wall
            if((blockedRight || blockedLeft) && !blockedDown){

                // hero on a wall
                hero.scene.onWall = true;

                // remove gravity
                hero.body.gravity.y = 0;

                // setting new y velocity
                hero.body.velocity.y = gameOptions.playerGrip;

            // adjusting hero speed according to the direction it's moving
            this.setPlayerXVelocity(!this.onWall || blockedDown, shouldStop);
        }, null, this)

    // default values to be set at the beginning of each update cycle,
    // which may be changed according to what happens into "collide" callback function
    // (if called)
        this.hero.body.gravity.y = gameOptions.playerGravity;
        this.onWall = false;

    // sets player velocity according to the direction it's facing, unless "defaultDirection"
    // is false, in this case multiplies the velocity by -1
    // if stopIt is true, just stop the player
    setPlayerXVelocity(defaultDirection, stopIt){
            this.hero.body.velocity.x = 0;
            this.hero.body.velocity.x = gameOptions.playerSpeed * (this.hero.flipX ? -1 : 1) * (defaultDirection ? 1 : -1);
There are several type of tiles you can add, next time we’ll try to add spring tiles, meanwhile download the source code.

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