Talking about Way of an Idea game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Earlier this week I showed you a physics engine with no physics, now it’s time to bring some good real physics in game development so here I am with the HTML5 port of “Way of an Idea“, a Flash physics game released back in 2009.
You have to draw a platform to make the ball reach the goal.
Look at the game:
Draw a platform with the mouse, once you stop drawing the ball will start to move. The game restarts if you hit the goal or if the ball falls off the bottom of the screen.
I also provided a completely commented source code:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
// minimum length of a segment, in pixels
segmentLength: 10
window.onload = function() {
var gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
backgroundColor: 0xf5f5f5,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 640,
height: 480
physics: {
default: "matter",
matter: {
debug: true
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
// is the player drawing?
this.isDrawing = false;
// has the ball been added?
this.ballAdded = false;
// this is the ball. I am lazy so I didn't use a sprite :)
this.ballGraphics =;
this.ballGraphics.fillStyle(0xff0000, 1);
this.ballGraphics.fillCircle(30, 30, 20);
// this is the goal
this.matter.add.rectangle(game.config.width - 30, game.config.height - 30, 20, 20, {
isStatic: true,
label: "goal"
// listeners
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.startDrawing, this);
this.input.on("pointerup", this.stopDrawing, this);
this.input.on("pointermove", this.draw, this);
// listener for collisions"collisionstart", function(event, bodyA, bodyB){
// if the ball and the goal collide...
if((bodyA.label == "ball" && bodyB.label == "goal") || (bodyB.label == "ball" && bodyA.label == "goal")){
// ... restart the game
// when we start drawing
// the player is drawing
this.isDrawing = true;
// current drawing point
this.startDrawingPoint = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(e.position);
// when we stop drawing
// player is no longer drawing
this.isDrawing = false;
// remove the ball
// if the physics ball hasn't already be added...
// the ball is added
this.ballAdded = true;
// add the ball itself
this.dynamicBall =, 30, 20, {
friction: 0,
restitution: 1,
label: "ball"
// when we are drawing
// is the player drawing?
// calculate the distance between start drawing point and current position
let distance = this.startDrawingPoint.distance(e.position);
// is the distance greater than the minimum segment length?
if(distance > gameOptions.segmentLength){
// create a line between start drawing point and current position
let line = new Phaser.Geom.Line(this.startDrawingPoint.x, this.startDrawingPoint.y, e.position.x, e.position.y);
// get the center of the line
let center = Phaser.Geom.Line.GetPoint(line, 0.5);
// get the angle of the line
let angle = Phaser.Geom.Line.Angle(line);
// add a static rectangle matching the line
this.matter.add.rectangle(center.x, center.y, distance, 5, {
isStatic: true,
angle: angle,
friction: 0,
restitution: 1
// update start drawing point
this.startDrawingPoint.x = e.position.x;
this.startDrawingPoint.y = e.position.y;
// if the physics ball has been added...
// if the ball falls down the screen...
if(this.dynamicBall.position.y > game.config.height){
// ... restart the game
Building this prototype was very easy thanks to Phaser and Matter physics. Next time I’ll show you how to delete the path, meanwhile download the source code.
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