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HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about Serious Scramblers game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.

Are you playing Serious Scramblers by Chiny? Available both for iOS and Android, features a hero falling down a bottomless pit.

It’s a quick vertical endless runner where you can only move left or right by tapping on the left or right half of the screen.

You must fall down from platform to platform without falling too much, reaching the bottom of the screen, or too slow, reaching the top of the screen.

It’s a gameplay which have been used a lot of times, so it’s time to build a prototype, here it is:

Tap and hold left or right to move the character left or right. Once you move, platforms will scroll up. Reach the top of the stage, and it’s game over.

Fall from platform to platform without falling too down, if you reach the bottom of the stage, it’s game over.

And here it is the completely commented source code:

let game;

// global object where to store game options
let gameOptions = {

    // first platform vertical position. 0 = top of the screen, 1 = bottom of the screen
    firstPlatformPosition: 1 / 10,

    // game gravity, which only affects the hero
    gameGravity: 1200,

    // hero speed, in pixels per second
    heroSpeed: 300,

    // platform speed, in pixels per second
    platformSpeed: 190,

    // platform length range, in pixels
    platformLengthRange: [50, 150],

    // platform horizontal distance range from the center of the stage, in pixels
    platformHorizontalDistanceRange: [0, 250],

    // platform vertical distance range, in pixels
    platformVerticalDistanceRange: [150, 300]

window.onload = function() {

    // game configuration object
    let gameConfig = {
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        scale: {
            mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
            autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
            parent: "thegame",
            width: 750,
            height: 1334
        physics: {
            default: "arcade"
        scene: playGame
    game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene {
    constructor() {
    preload() {
        this.load.image("hero", "hero.png");
        this.load.image("platform", "platform.png");
    create() {

        // creation of the physics group which will contain all platforms
        this.platformGroup =;

        // create starting platform
        let platform = this.platformGroup.create(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height * gameOptions.firstPlatformPosition, "platform");

        // platform won't physically react to collisions

        // we are going to create 10 more platforms which we'll reuse to save resources
        for(let i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {

            // platform creation, as a member of platformGroup physics group
            let platform = this.platformGroup.create(0, 0, "platform");

            // platform won't physically react to collisions

            // position the platform

        // add the hero
        this.hero = this.physics.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 0, "hero");

        // set hero gravity
        this.hero.body.gravity.y = gameOptions.gameGravity;

        // input listener to move the hero
        this.input.on("pointerdown", this.moveHero, this);

        // input listener to stop the hero
        this.input.on("pointerup", this.stopHero, this);

        // we are waiting for player first move
        this.firstMove = true;

    // method to return a random value between index 0 and 1 of a giver array
    randomValue(a) {
        return Phaser.Math.Between(a[0], a[1]);

    // method to move the hero
    moveHero(e) {

        // set hero velocity according to input horizontal coordinate
        this.hero.setVelocityX(gameOptions.heroSpeed * ((e.x > game.config.width / 2) ? 1 : -1));

        // is it the first move?
        if(this.firstMove) {

            // it's no longer the first move
            this.firstMove = false;

            // move platform group

    // method to stop the hero
    stopHero() {

        // ... just stop the hero :)

    // method to get the lowest platform, returns the position of the lowest platform, in pixels
    getLowestPlatform() {
        let lowestPlatform = 0;
        this.platformGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(platform) {
            lowestPlatform = Math.max(lowestPlatform, platform.y);
        return lowestPlatform;

    // method to position a platform
    positionPlatform(platform) {

        // vertical position
        platform.y = this.getLowestPlatform() + this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformVerticalDistanceRange);

        // horizontal position
        platform.x = game.config.width / 2 + this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformHorizontalDistanceRange) * Phaser.Math.RND.sign();

        // platform width
        platform.displayWidth = this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformLengthRange);

    // method to be executed at each frame

        // handle collision between ball and platforms, this.hero);

        // loop through all platforms
        this.platformGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(platform) {

            // if a platform leaves the stage to the upper side...
            if(platform.getBounds().bottom < 0) {

                // ... recycle the platform
        }, this);

        // if the hero falls down or leaves the stage from the top...
        if(this.hero.y > game.config.height || this.hero.y < 0) {

            // restart the scene

The original game features a lot of more stuff, like monsters and different kind of platforms, they all will be added in future posts of the series, meanwhile download the source code.

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