Talking about DROP'd game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
Usually, you never use a feature until you really need it. In my case, I was improving my DROP’d prototype and using a single sprite for each platform wasn’t enough.
I wanted my platforms to have a stroke effect, a random pattern inside, and a “Kawaii” face. That’s three different things, but they could have been two, or five, or sixteen. It doesn’t matter.
Why didn’t I just draw the final platform with Photoshop, then load it as a Phaser sprite like I did a million times?
Well, because I wanted platforms to have a random width, and having a single sprite scaled to random size would eventually make textures look, let’s say, “not that good”.
Luckily, Phaser features RenderTexture game object. A Render Texture is a special texture that allows any number of game objects to be drawn to it.
You can take many complex objects and draw them all to this one texture.
So, the platforms you are going to see in this prototype have been built using a RenderTexture with a graphic object, a tilesprite and a sprite.
Look at the result:
Tap to destroy your platform, and try to land on green platform. If you miss it, it’s game over. But most of all, look how I am destroying platforms and obviously at platform texture.
This is possible thanks to RenderTexture.
Look at the source code, with the new code highlighted and commented:
let game;
let gameOptions = {
firstPlatformPosition: 2 / 10,
gameGravity: 1700,
platformHorizontalSpeedRange: [250, 400],
platformLengthRange: [120, 300],
platformVerticalDistanceRange: [150, 250],
platformHeight: 50
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 750,
height: 1334
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
gravity: {
y: gameOptions.gameGravity
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor() {
preload() {
this.load.image("hero", "hero.png");
// pattern to fill the platform
this.load.image("pattern", "pattern.png");
// eyes image
this.load.image("eyes", "eyes.png");
// particle image, a 16x16 white square
this.load.image("particle", "particle.png");
create() {
// create a graphics game object and set it invisible
this.borderGraphics =;
// create a big tile sprite and set it invisible
this.pattern = this.add.tileSprite(game.config.width / 2, gameOptions.platformHeight / 2, game.config.width, gameOptions.platformHeight * 2, "pattern")
// create eyes sprite and set it invisible
this.eyes = this.add.sprite(0, 0, "eyes");
this.platformGroup =;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
this.addPlatform(i == 0);
this.hero = this.physics.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, 0, "hero");
this.canDestroy = false;
this.cameras.main.startFollow(this.hero, true, 0, 0.5, 0, - (game.config.height / 2 - game.config.height * gameOptions.firstPlatformPosition));
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.destroyPlatform, this);
// creation of the particle emitter
this.emitter = this.add.particles("particle").createEmitter({
// each particle starts at full scale and shrinks down until it disappears
scale: {
start: 1,
end: 0
// each particle has a random speed from zero (no speed) to 200 pixels per second
speed: {
min: 0,
max: 200
// the emitter is not active at the moment, this means no particles are emitted
active: false,
// each particle has a 500 milliseconds lifespan
lifespan: 500,
// the emitter can fire 50 particles simultaneously
quantity: 50
addPlatform(isFirstPlatform) {
// platform is no longer a sprite but a renderTexture
let platform = this.add.renderTexture(game.config.width / 2, isFirstPlatform ? game.config.width * gameOptions.firstPlatformPosition : 0, game.config.width / 8, gameOptions.platformHeight);
// renderTexture does not have default origin at its center, so we set it manually
// renderTexture can't be created as a physics object on the fly so we add it to physics world manually
// add platform to platformGroup group
platform.isHeroOnIt = false;
if(!isFirstPlatform) {
else {
// method to draw inside the renderTexture
platform.assignedVelocityX = isFirstPlatform ? 0 : this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformHorizontalSpeedRange) * Phaser.Math.RND.sign();
// method to draw inside the renderTexture
drawPlatform(platform) {
// clear grahpics
// set a line style
this.borderGraphics.lineStyle(8, 0x000000, 1);
// draw a rectangle with the same platform size
this.borderGraphics.strokeRect(0, 0, platform.displayWidth, gameOptions.platformHeight);
// draw the pattern inside the platform, with some randomization
platform.draw(this.pattern, platform.displayWidth / 2, Phaser.Math.Between(0, gameOptions.platformHeight));
// draw the eyes inside the platform, at is center
platform.draw(this.eyes, platform.displayWidth / 2, platform.displayHeight / 2);
// draw the graphics inside the platform
paintSafePlatforms() {
let floorPlatform = this.getHighestPlatform(0);
let targetPlatform = this.getHighestPlatform(floorPlatform.y);
handleCollision(hero, platform) {
if (!platform.isHeroOnIt) {
if (!platform.isTinted) {
if (hero.x < platform.getBounds().left) {
hero.angle = -45;
if (hero.x > platform.getBounds().right) {
hero.angle = 45;
platform.isHeroOnIt = true;
this.canDestroy = true;
randomValue(a) {
return Phaser.Math.Between(a[0], a[1]);
destroyPlatform() {
if (this.canDestroy) {
this.canDestroy = false;
let closestPlatform = this.physics.closest(this.hero).gameObject;
// retrieve platform bounding box
let platformBounds = closestPlatform.getBounds();
// place particle emitter in the top left coordinate of the platform
// now the emitter is active = true;
// set a emit zone
// zone source is a rectangle with the same size as the platform
source: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, platformBounds.width, platformBounds.height),
// place particles at random positions
type: "random",
// how many particles? 50
quantity: 50
// explosion!
let furthestPlatform = this.physics.furthest(this.hero);
closestPlatform.isHeroOnIt = false;
closestPlatform.assignedVelocityX = this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformHorizontalSpeedRange) * Phaser.Math.RND.sign();
getLowestPlatform() {
let lowestPlatform = null;
this.platformGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(platform) {
lowestPlatform = Math.max(lowestPlatform, platform.y);
return lowestPlatform;
getHighestPlatform(maxHeight) {
let highestPlatform = null;
this.platformGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(platform) {
if ((platform.y > maxHeight) && (!highestPlatform || platform.y < highestPlatform.y)) {
highestPlatform = platform;
return highestPlatform;
positionPlatform(platform) {
platform.y = this.getLowestPlatform() + this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformVerticalDistanceRange);
platform.x = game.config.width / 2;
// we don't scale anymore the platform, but we set its size and its physics body size
platform.setSize(this.randomValue(gameOptions.platformLengthRange), gameOptions.platformHeight);
platform.body.setSize(platform.displayWidth, platform.displayHeight, true);
// draw the platform
update() {
if (this.hero.angle == 0) {, this.platformGroup, this.handleCollision, null, this);
this.platformGroup.getChildren().forEach(function(platform) {
if (platform.y + game.config.height < this.hero.y) {
let distance = Math.max(0.2, 1 - ((Math.abs(game.config.width / 2 - platform.x) / (game.config.width / 2)))) * Math.PI / 2;
platform.body.setVelocityX(platform.assignedVelocityX * distance);
if ((platform.body.velocity.x < 0 && platform.getBounds().left < this.hero.displayWidth / 2) || (platform.body.velocity.x > 0 && platform.getBounds().right > game.config.width - this.hero.displayWidth / 2)) {
platform.assignedVelocityX *= -1;
}, this);
And here we go with another interesting feature added in a bunch of lines thanks to the power of Phaser. Download the source code.
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