Get the full commented source code of

HTML5 Suika Watermelon Game

Talking about DROP'd game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript, Phaser and TypeScript.

The process of conversion from JavaScript to TypeScript continues. I already built Perfect Square! and a DROP’d prototype using TypeScript, but both source codes were uncommented.

Now, I commented line by line the DROP’d prototype, and I also added some new features, like multiple cameras, tweens and time events, and now following the source code you will learn, among other things, how to use:

* Arcade Physics simulation with gravity, velocity and collisions.
* Input listeners
* Tweens
* Time Events
* Sprites
* Groups
* Render Textures
* Particle explosions
* Multiple cameras

Look at the game we are going to build:

Tap to destroy your platform, and try to land on green platform. If you miss it, it’s game over.

If you don’t know how to configure your system to start conding and publishing with Phaser and TypeScript, I wrote a four steps guide about the migration from JavaScript to TypeScript, check steps 1, 2, 3 and 4.

To ensure maximum code reusability, the source code is split in 6 TypeScript file and one HTML file.

Let’s see them in detail:


The webpage which hosts the game, just the bare bones of HTML and main.ts is called.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type = "text/css">
            body {
                background: #000000;
                padding: 0px;
                margin: 0px;
        <script src = "scripts/main.ts"></script>
        <div id = "thegame"></div>


The main TypeScript file, the one called by index.html.
Here we import most of the game libraries and define both Scale Manager object and Physics object.

Here we also initialize the game itself.


// modules to import
import Phaser from 'phaser';
import { PreloadAssets } from './preloadAssets';
import { PlayGame} from './playGame';
import { GameOptions } from './gameOptions';

// object to initialize the Scale Manager
const scaleObject: Phaser.Types.Core.ScaleConfig = {
    mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
    autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
    parent: 'thegame',
    width: 750,
    height: 1334

// obhect to initialize Arcade physics
const physicsObject: Phaser.Types.Core.PhysicsConfig = {
    default: 'arcade',
    arcade: {
        gravity: {
            y: GameOptions.gameGravity

// game configuration object
const configObject: Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig = {
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    scale: scaleObject,
    scene: [PreloadAssets, PlayGame],
    physics: physicsObject

// the game itself
new Phaser.Game(configObject);


Class to preload all assets used in the game.


// this class extends Scene class
export class PreloadAssets extends Phaser.Scene {

    // constructor    
    constructor() {
            key: 'PreloadAssets'

    // preloading assets, the good old way
    preload(): void {
        this.load.image('hero', 'assets/hero.png');
        this.load.image('pattern', 'assets/pattern.png');
        this.load.image('eyes', 'assets/eyes.png');
        this.load.image('particle', 'assets/particle.png');
        this.load.image('sky', 'assets/sky.png');

	create(): void {


Game options which can be changed to tune the gameplay are stored in a separate module, ready to be reused.


export const GameOptions = {

    // first platform position, in height ratio. In this case, in the top 2/10 of the screen
    firstPlatformPosition: 2 / 10,
    // Arcade physics gravity
    gameGravity: 1700,

    // platform horizontal speed range, in pixels per second
    platformHorizontalSpeedRange: [250, 400],

    // platform width range, in pixels
    platformWidthRange: [120, 300],

    // platform vertical distance range, in pixels
    platformVerticalDistanceRange: [150, 250],

    // platform height, in pixels
    platformHeight: 50


The game itself, the biggest class, game logic is stored here.


// modules to import
import { GameOptions } from './gameOptions';
import PlayerSprite from './playerSprite';
import PlatformSprite from './platformSprite';

// this class extends Scene class
export class PlayGame extends Phaser.Scene {

    // sprite with platform eyes
    eyes: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;

    // graphics where to draw platform borders
    borderGraphics: Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics;

    // tile sprite, used for platform background
    spritePattern: Phaser.GameObjects.TileSprite;

    // the hero!
    hero: PlayerSprite;
    // explosion emitter
    emitter: Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter;

    // particles to be emitted
    particles:  Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitterManager;

    // group which will contain all platforms
    platformGroup: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Group;

    // here we store game width once for all
    gameWidth: number;

    // here we store game height once for all
    gameHeight: number;

    // camera following game action
    actionCamera: Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera;

    // background sky
    sky: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
    // constructor
    constructor() {
            key: 'PlayGame'

    // method to be called once the class has been created
    create(): void {

        // save game width value
        this.gameWidth = as number;

        // save game height value
        this.gameHeight = as number;
        // method to add the background sky

        // add a new Graphics object...
        this.borderGraphics =;

        // ... and set it to invisible

        // add a new tile sprite...
        this.spritePattern = this.add.tileSprite(this.gameWidth / 2, GameOptions.platformHeight / 2,this.gameWidth, GameOptions.platformHeight * 2, 'pattern');
        // ... and set it to invisible

        // add a new sprite...
        this.eyes = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'eyes');

        // ... and set it to invisible
        // create a new physics group
        this.platformGroup =;
        // we are going to add 12 platforms, and reuse them when we need them
        for (let i: number = 0; i < 12; i ++) {

            // method to add a platform
            this.addPlatform(i == 0);

        // add the hero
        this.hero = new PlayerSprite(this, this.gameWidth / 2, 0, 'hero');
        // input listener
        this.input.on('pointerdown', this.destroyPlatform, this);
        // method to add the emitter
        // method to set the cameras

    // method to add the sky
    addSky(): void {

        // add sky sprite = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'sky');

        // adjust sprite size to cover the entire screen = this.gameWidth; = this.gameHeight;

        // set sprite origin to top left corner, 0);

    // method to set the cameras
    setCameras(): void {

        // add a new camera
        this.actionCamera = this.cameras.add(0, 0, this.gameWidth, this.gameHeight);

        // action camera won't render the sky

        // make action camera follow the hero
        this.actionCamera.startFollow(this.hero, true, 0, 0.5, 0, - (this.gameHeight / 2 - this.gameHeight * GameOptions.firstPlatformPosition));

        // main camera won't render, particles, hero and platforms

    // method to crate the emitter
    createEmitter(): void {

        // create new particles
        this.particles = this.add.particles('particle');
        // create the emitter
        this.emitter = this.particles.createEmitter({
            // particles will scale from 1 (original size) to zero (too tiny to be seen)
            scale: {
                start: 1,
                end: 0

            // speed will scale from zero to 200 pixels per second
            speed: {
                min: 0,
                max: 200

            // emitter is not active at the moment
            active: false,

            // particle lifespan, in milliseconds
            lifespan: 500,

            // quantity of particles to be used
            quantity: 50

    // method to add a platform 
    addPlatform(isFirst: Boolean): void {
        // creation of a new platform sprite
        let platform: PlatformSprite = new PlatformSprite(this, this.gameWidth / 2, isFirst ? this.gameWidth * GameOptions.firstPlatformPosition : 0, this.gameWidth / 8, GameOptions.platformHeight);
        // add platform to platformGroup group

        // call platform setPhysics method

        // call platform drawTexture method
        platform.drawTexture(this.borderGraphics, this.spritePattern, this.eyes);

        // is this the first platform?
        if (isFirst) {

            // paint it green
        else {

            // initialize the platform

    // method to destroy a platform
    destroyPlatform(): void {

        // can the hero destroy the platform and is the hero alive?
        if (this.hero.canDestroyPlatform && !this.hero.isDying) {

            // hero can't destroy the platform anymore
            this.hero.canDestroyPlatform = false;

            // get the platform body which is the closest to the hero
            let closestPlatform: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body = this.physics.closest(this.hero) as Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body;

            // given the body, get the sprite
            let platform: PlatformSprite = closestPlatform.gameObject as PlatformSprite;

            // make platform explode

            // initialize the platform again

    // method to initialize the platform
    initPlatform(platform: PlatformSprite): void {

        // set assignedVelocity property a random value
        platform.assignedVelocity = this.randomValue(GameOptions.platformHorizontalSpeedRange) * Phaser.Math.RND.sign();
        // change platform size
        platform.transformTo(this.gameWidth / 2, this.getLowestPlatform() + this.randomValue(GameOptions.platformVerticalDistanceRange), this.randomValue(GameOptions.platformWidthRange), GameOptions.platformHeight);
        // draw a new texture on the platform
        platform.drawTexture(this.borderGraphics, this.spritePattern, this.eyes);

    // method to get the lowest platform position
    getLowestPlatform(): number {

        // set lowestplatform to zero
        let lowestPlatform: number = 0;

        // get all platforms
        let platforms: PlatformSprite[] = this.platformGroup.getChildren() as PlatformSprite[];
        // iterate through all platforms
        for (let platform of platforms) {

            // lowestplatform is the max value between itself and platform vertical position
            lowestPlatform = Math.max(lowestPlatform, platform.y);    

        // return lowestPlatform value
        return lowestPlatform;

    // method to get the highest platform
    getHighestPlatform(maxHeight: number): PlatformSprite {

        // set highest platform y position to Infinity
        let highestPlatformY = Infinity;

        // get all platforms
        let platforms: PlatformSprite[] = this.platformGroup.getChildren() as PlatformSprite[];

        // set an arbitrary platform as highest platform
        let highestPlatform: PlatformSprite = platforms[0];

        // iterate through all platforms
        for (let platform of platforms) {

            // is platform y position is greater than maxHeight and less than highest platform y?
            if (platform.y > maxHeight && platform.y < highestPlatformY) {

                // ... highestPlatform is now the current platform
                highestPlatform = platform;

                // update highest platform y
                highestPlatformY = platform.y;

        // return highestPlatform
        return highestPlatform;

    // method to toss a random value between two elements in an array
    randomValue(a: number[]): number {
        return Phaser.Math.Between(a[0], a[1]);
    // method to check for collision between two bodies
    handleCollision(body1: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject, body2: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject): void {

        // first body is the hero
        let hero: PlayerSprite = body1 as PlayerSprite;

        // second body is the platform
        let platform: PlatformSprite = body2 as PlatformSprite;

        // if the hero is not on the platform...
        if (!platform.isHeroOnIt) {

            // is the hero too close to left platform edges or landing on the left side of an illegal platform?
            if (hero.x < platform.getBounds().left || (!platform.isTinted && hero.x <= platform.x)) {

                // make hero fall down and die to the left

                // exit the function

            // is the hero too close to right platform edges or landing on the right side of an illegal platform?
            if (hero.x > platform.getBounds().right || (!platform.isTinted && hero.x > platform.x)) {

                 // make hero fall down and die to the right

                // exit the function

            // now this platform has the hero on it
            platform.isHeroOnIt = true;

            // method to paint safe platforms

            // hero can destroy platforms once more
            this.hero.canDestroyPlatform = true;

    // method to make the hero fall and die
    fallAndDie(mult: number): void {

        // call hero's die method

        // create a time event

            // after 800 milliseconds...
            delay: 800,
            callbackScope: this,
            callback: function() {

                // make action camera to stop following the hero

    // method to paint safe platforms
    paintSafePlatforms(): void {

        // set floor platform as the highest platform
        let floorPlatform: PlatformSprite = this.getHighestPlatform(0);

        // tint floor platform red

        // set target platform as the highest platform, but below floor platform
        let targetPlatform: PlatformSprite = this.getHighestPlatform(floorPlatform.y);

        // tint target platform green

        // player can land on this platform
        targetPlatform.canLandOnIt = true;

    // method to be called at each frame
    update(): void {

        // is hero alive?
        if (!this.hero.isDying) {

            // manage collisions between the hero and platforms
  , this.platformGroup, this.handleCollision, undefined, this);

        // get all platforms
        let platforms: PlatformSprite[] = this.platformGroup.getChildren() as PlatformSprite[];

        // iterate through all platforms
        for (let platform of platforms) {

            // if platform y position plus game height is less than hero y position...
            if (platform.y + this.gameHeight < this.hero.y) {

                // game over, let's start again

            // check distance between the platform and game edges
            let distance: number = Math.max(0.2, 1 - ((Math.abs(this.gameWidth / 2 - platform.x) / (this.gameWidth / 2)))) * Math.PI / 2;

            // assign platform velocity
            platform.body.setVelocityX(platform.assignedVelocity * distance);

            // if a platform reached the left or right edge...
            if ((platform.body.velocity.x < 0 && platform.getBounds().left < this.hero.displayWidth / 2) || (platform.body.velocity.x > 0 && platform.getBounds().right > this.gameWidth - this.hero.displayWidth / 2)) {
                // ... invert its velocity
                platform.assignedVelocity *= -1;


Class to define the player Sprite.


// player sprite extends Sprite class
export default class PlayerSprite extends Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite {

    // can the player destroy the platform?
    canDestroyPlatform: Boolean = false;

    // is the hero dying?
    isDying: Boolean = false;

    // scene which called this class
    mainScene: Phaser.Scene;

    // constructor
	constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, key: string) {
		super(scene, x, y, key);

        // add the player to the scnee

        // add physics body to platform

        // save the scene which called this class
        this.mainScene = scene;

    // method to make the player die
    die(mult: number): void {

        // hero is dying
        this.isDying = true;

        // set vertical velocity to -200 pixels per second (going up)

        // set horizontal velocity to 200 or -200 pixels per second
        this.setVelocityX(200 * mult);

        // set player angle to 45 or -45 using a 0.5s tween
            targets: this,
            angle: 45 * mult,
            duration: 500


Class to define the platform Sprite, which is the main actor of the game. We don’t control the player, but we can contro platforms by destroying them.

Also, platforms are rendered using RenderTexture object.


// modules to import
import { GameOptions } from './gameOptions';

// platform sprite extends RenderTexture class
export default class PlatformSprite extends Phaser.GameObjects.RenderTexture {

    // does this platform have the player on it?
    isHeroOnIt: Boolean = false;

    // platform physics body
    body: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body;

    // platform assigned velocity
    assignedVelocity: number = 0;

    // can the player land on this platform?
    canLandOnIt: Boolean = false;

	// constructor
    constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) {
		super(scene, x, y, width, height);
        // set platform origin in horizontal and vertical middle

        // add existing platform to scene

        // add a physics body to platform

    // method to set physics properties
    setPhysics(): void {

        // set the body immovable, it won't react to collisions 

        // do not allow gravity to move the body

        // set body friction to max (1), or player sprite will slip away

    // method to draw platform texture
    drawTexture(border: Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics, pattern: Phaser.GameObjects.TileSprite, eyes: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite): void {
        // clear border graphics

        // set border line style
        border.lineStyle(8, 0x000000, 1);

        // stroke a rectangle
        border.strokeRect(0, 0, this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight);

        // draw pattern texture on platform
        this.draw(pattern, this.displayWidth / 2, Phaser.Math.Between(0, GameOptions.platformHeight));

        // draw eyes texture on platform
        this.draw(eyes, this.displayWidth / 2, this.displayHeight / 2);

        // draw border graphics on platform

    // method to resize the platform
    transformTo(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void {

        // change platform x position
        this.x = x;

        // change platform y position
        this.y = y;

        // set new platform size
        this.setSize(width, height);

        // set new Arcade body size
        this.body.setSize(width, height);

    // method to explode and destroy the platform    
    explodeAndDestroy(emitter: Phaser.GameObjects.Particles.ParticleEmitter): void {

        // get platform bounds
        let platformBounds: Phaser.Geom.Rectangle = this.getBounds();

        // place emitter in top left vertex of the platform

        // set the emitter as active = true;

        // set emit zone to cover the entire platform
            source: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, platformBounds.width, platformBounds.height),
            type: 'random',
            quantity: 50

        // make emitter explode
        emitter.explode(50, this.x - this.displayWidth / 2, this.y - this.displayHeight / 2);

        // remove platform tint

        // player is no longer on this platform
        this.isHeroOnIt = false;

        // player can't land on this platform
        this.canLandOnIt = false;

And that’s it TypeScript is not hard to learn, and thanks to Visual Studio Code IDE, development could be even faster and easier.

Download the source code.

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