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Talking about Wordle game, Game development, HTML5, Javascript, Phaser and TypeScript.

Here we go with the 3rd step of Wordle tutorial series.

In first step I showed you how to handle keyboard input and result management.

In second step we saw how to add a virtual keyboard.

Now it’s time to design the game field and add some improvements to the virtual keyboard itself, this way:

Use the keyboard to write the word. You can play with your physical keyboard, using Backspace to delete the last letter, Enter to submit the word or Space to restart the game with a new randomly picked word.

You can see the word to guess in the console. If you are reading this post with a mobile device, you can play directly with the prototype at this link.

Let’s have a look at the assets used in the prototype:

bigfont.fnt and bigfont.png: respectively the XML information and the image of the big font.

bigkey.png: a sprite sheet containing Enter and Delete keys.

box.png: sprite sheet the box where to write the each letter of the word.

font.fnt and font.png: respectively the XML information and the image of the small font.

key.png: sprite sheeet of the virtual keyboard key.

words.json: the list of allowed words.

And this is the completely commented source code of the prototype, split in one html file, one css file and nine TypeScript files:


The web page which hosts the game, to be run inside thegame element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel = 'stylesheet' href = 'style.css'>
        <script src = "main.js"></script>
        <div id = "thegame"></div>


The style sheet of the web page

* {
    padding : 0;
    margin : 0;

    background : #ffffff;

canvas {
    touch-action : none;
    -ms-touch-action : none;


Configurable game options

export const GameOptions = {

    // number of rows, that is the amount of tries to guess the word
    rows : 6,

    // vertical position of the first row, starting from the top of the screen
    firstRowY : 150


This is where the game is created, with all Phaser related options.


// modules to import
import Phaser from 'phaser';
import { PreloadAssets } from './preloadAssets';
import { PlayGame } from './playGame';

// object to initialize the Scale Manager
const scaleObject : Phaser.Types.Core.ScaleConfig = {
    mode : Phaser.Scale.FIT,
    autoCenter : Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
    parent : 'thegame',
    width : 700,
    height : 1244

// game configuration object
const configObject : Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig = {
    type : Phaser.AUTO,
    backgroundColor : 0xffffff,
    scale : scaleObject,
    scene : [PreloadAssets, PlayGame]

// the game itself
new Phaser.Game(configObject);


Here we preload all assets to be used in the game, such as the JSON object with all words, the images and the bitmap fonts.


// this class extends Scene class
export class PreloadAssets extends Phaser.Scene {

    // constructor    
    constructor() {
            key : 'PreloadAssets'

    // method to be execute during class preloading
    preload(): void {

        // this is how we preload a JSON object
        this.load.json('words', 'assets/words.json');

        // preload images
        this.load.spritesheet('key', 'assets/key.png', {
            frameWidth: 70,
            frameHeight: 90
        this.load.spritesheet('bigkey', 'assets/bigkey.png', {
            frameWidth: 105,
            frameHeight: 90
        this.load.spritesheet('box', 'assets/box.png', {
            frameWidth: 100,
            frameHeight: 100
        // this is how we preload a bitmap font
        this.load.bitmapFont('font', 'assets/font.png', 'assets/font.fnt');
        this.load.bitmapFont('bigfont', 'assets/bigfont.png', 'assets/bigfont.fnt');

    // method to be called once the instance has been created
	create(): void {

        // call PlayGame class


Main game file, where we handle input and result management.


import KeyboardKey from './keyboardKey';
import { GameOptions } from './gameOptions';
import { GameGrid } from './gameGrid';

// possible word states:
// perfect, when the letter is in the right position
// correct, when the letter exists but it's not in the right position
// wrong, when the letter does not exist
enum letterState {
    WRONG = 1,

// keyboard layout, as a string array, each item is a row of keys
// > represents Enter
// < represents Backspace
const keyboardLayout : string[] = ['QWERTYUIOP','ASDFGHJKL','>ZXCVBNM<'];

// this class extends Scene class
export class PlayGame extends Phaser.Scene {

    // array with all possible words
    words : string[];

    // string where to store the current word
    currentWord : string;

    // string where to store the word to guess
    wordToGuess : string;

    // variable where to store game width
    gameWidth : number;

    // main game grid
    gameGrid : GameGrid;

    // virtual keyboard, as an array of KeyboardKey instances
    virtualKeyboard : KeyboardKey[][];
    // constructor
    constructor() {
            key: 'PlayGame'

    // method to be executed when the scene has been created
    create() : void {        

        // set gameWidth to actual game width
        this.gameWidth = as number;

        // store JSON loaded words into words array
        this.words = this.cache.json.get('words');

        // at the beginning, current word is empty
        this.currentWord = '';

        // pick a random word to guess
        this.wordToGuess = this.words[Phaser.Math.Between(0, this.words.length - 1)].toUpperCase();

        // let's display somewhere the word to guess

        // initialize virtual keyboard
        this.virtualKeyboard = [];

        // loop through keyboardLayout array
        keyboardLayout.forEach((row : string, index : number) => {

            // initialize virtual keyboard row
            this.virtualKeyboard[index] = [];
            // determine position of key sprites
            // some values are still hardcoded, and need to be optimized
            let rowWidth : number = 70 * row.length;
            let firstKeyPosition : number = ( as number - rowWidth) / 2;

            // loop through string
            for (let i : number = 0; i < row.length; i ++) {

                // get the i-th character
                let letter : string = row.charAt(i);

                // add the keyboard key
                this.virtualKeyboard[index][i] = new KeyboardKey(this, firstKeyPosition + i * 70 - (letter == '>' ? 35 : 0), 900 + index * 90, row.charAt(i));

        // add the game grid
        this.gameGrid = new GameGrid(this, GameOptions.rows, (this.gameWidth - 540) / 2, GameOptions.firstRowY);

        // waiting for keyboard input
        this.input.keyboard.on('keydown', this.onKeyDown, this);
    // method to process a key pressed
    onKeyDown(e : KeyboardEvent) : void {

        // store key pressed in key variable
        var key : string = e.key;
        // if the key is space, restart the game
        if (key == ' ') {

        // backspace
        if (key == 'Backspace') {

        // regular expression saying "I want one letter"
        const regex = /^[a-zA-Z]{1}$/;

        // letter a-z or A-Z
        if (regex.test(key)) {

        // enter
        if (key == 'Enter') {

    //method to be called each time we need to update a word
    updateWord(s : string) : void {
        switch(s) {

            // backsace
            case '<' :

                // if the word has at least one character, remove the last character
                if (this.currentWord.length > 0) {

                    // remove last current word character
                    this.currentWord = this.currentWord.slice(0, -1);

                    // call gameGrid's removeLetter method

            // enter
            case '>' :
                // if the word is 5 characters long, proceed to verify the result
                if (this.currentWord.length == 5) {

                    // if the word is a valid word, proceed to verify the result
                    if (this.words.includes(this.currentWord.toLowerCase())) {

                        // at the beginning we se the result as a series of wrong characters
                        let result : number[] = Array(5).fill(letterState.WRONG);

                        // creation of a temp string with the word to guess
                        let tempWord : string = this.wordToGuess;

                        // loop through all word characters
                        for (let i : number = 0; i < 5; i ++) {

                            // do i-th char of the current word and i-th car of the word to guess match?
                            if (this.currentWord.charAt(i) == tempWord.charAt(i)) {

                                // this is a PERFECT result
                                result[i] = letterState.PERFECT;

                                // remove the i-th character from temp word
                                tempWord = this.removeChar(tempWord, i);

                            // i-th char of the current word and i-th car of the word to guess do not match
                            else {

                                // loop through all character of the word to guess
                                for (let j : number = 0; j < 5; j ++) {

                                    // do i-th char of the current word and j-th car of the word to guess match,
                                    // and don't j-th char of the current word and j-th car of the word to guess match?
                                    if (this.currentWord.charAt(i) == this.wordToGuess.charAt(j) && this.currentWord.charAt(j) != this.wordToGuess.charAt(j)) {
                                        // this is a correct result
                                        result[i] = letterState.CORRECT;

                                        // remove the i-th character from temp word
                                        tempWord = this.removeChar(tempWord, j);

                        // loop through all result items and compose result string accordingly
                        result.forEach((element : number, index : number) => {
                            // get letter position in our virtual keyboard
                            let position : Phaser.Math.Vector2 = this.getLetterPosition(this.currentWord.charAt(index));

                            // if the key of the virtual keyboard has not already been painted, then paint it.
                            if (parseInt(this.virtualKeyboard[position.x][position.y] < element) {

                        // reset current word
                        this.currentWord = '';
                        // call gameGrid's showResult method
            // a-z or A-Z
            default :

                // if the word is less than 5 characters long, remove last character
                if (this.currentWord.length < 5) {

                    // add the letter

                    // update current word
                    this.currentWord += s.toUpperCase();

    // method to get the position the virtual keyboard key, given a letter
    getLetterPosition(letter : string) : Phaser.Math.Vector2 {
        // set row to zero
        let row : number = 0;

        // set column to zero
        let column : number = 0;

        // loop though all keyboardLayout array
        keyboardLayout.forEach((currentRow : string, index : number) => {
            // does current row include the letter?
            if (currentRow.includes(letter)) {

                // set row to index
                row = index; 

                // set column to letter position inside current row
                column = currentRow.indexOf(letter);   

        // return the coordinate as a 2D vector
        return new Phaser.Math.Vector2(row, column);

    // simple method to change the index-th character of a string with '_'
    // just to have an unmatchable character
    removeChar(initialString : string, index : number) : string {
        return initialString.substring(0, index) + '_' + initialString.substring(index + 1);


Custom class for the virtual keyboard key.


import { PlayGame } from "./playGame";
import KeyboardLetter from "./keyboardLetter";

// this class extends Sprite class
export default class KeyboardKey extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {

    // letter bound to the key
    boundLetter : string;

    // parent scene
    parentScene : PlayGame;

    constructor(scene : PlayGame, x : number, y : number, letter : string) {

        // different image key according if it's a letter character or '<' or '>'
        super(scene, x, y, '<>'.includes(letter) ? 'bigkey' : 'key');

        // assign parent scene
        this.parentScene = scene;

        // assign bound letter
        this.boundLetter = letter;

        // set sprite registration point to top, left

        // add the sprite to the scene
        // set the sprite interactive

        // listener for pointer down on the sprite, to call handlePointer callback
        this.on('pointerdown', this.handlePointer);

        // add a keyboard letter accoring to 'letter value
        switch(letter) {

            // backspace
            case '<' :
            // enter
            case '>' :

            // normal key
            default :
                new KeyboardLetter(scene, x + 10, y + 10, letter, 36);

    // method to be called when the user clicks or taps the letter
    handlePointer() : void {

        // call 'updateWord' method on parent scene


Custom class for the letter to be printed on the virtual keyboard key.


import { PlayGame } from "./playGame";

// this class extends BitmapText class
export default class KeyboardLetter extends Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText {
    constructor(scene : PlayGame, x : number, y : number, text : string, size : number) {
        super(scene, x, y, 'font', text, size);
        // add the keyboard letter to the scene


This class manages the grid where players write and try to guess the word.


import BigLetterBox from './bigLetterBox';

export class GameGrid {

    // current row where to write the letter
    currentRow : number;

    // current column where to write the letter
    currentColumn : number;

    // array to store all letter boxes
    letterBox : BigLetterBox[][];

    constructor(scene : Phaser.Scene, rows : number, firstRowX : number, firstRowY : number) {
        // set current row to zero
        this.currentRow = 0;

        // set current column to zero
        this.currentColumn = 0;

        // initialize letterBox array
        this.letterBox = [];

        // loop from 0 to 4
        for (let i: number = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
            // initialize letterBox[i] array
            this.letterBox[i] = []; 

            // loop through all rows
            for (let j : number = 0; j < rows; j ++) {

                // assign to letterBox[i][j] a new BigLetterBox instance
                this.letterBox[i][j] = new BigLetterBox(scene, firstRowX + i * 110, firstRowY + j * 110);

    // method to add a latter
    addLetter(letter : string) : void {

        // set the letter at current row and column

        // increase current column
        this.currentColumn ++;

    // method to remove a letter
    removeLetter() : void {

        // decrease current column
        this.currentColumn --;

        // unset the letter ant current row and column

    // show guess result
    showResult(result : number[]) : void {

        // loop through all result items
        result.forEach((element : number, index : number) => {

            // set letterBox frame according to element value

            // paint the letter white

        // increase current row
        this.currentRow ++;

        // set current column to zero
        this.currentColumn = 0;


Class to mange the big letter box inside game grid


import BigLetter from "./bigLetter";

// this class extends Sprite class
export default class BigLetterBox extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite {

    // letter to show in the big letter box
    letterToShow : BigLetter;

    constructor(scene : Phaser.Scene, x : number, y : number) {
        super(scene, x, y, 'box');

        // set registration point to top left corner

        // add the letter box to the scene

        // calculate letter box bounds
        let bounds : Phaser.Geom.Rectangle = this.getBounds();

        // assign letterToShow an instance of BigLetter
        this.letterToShow = new BigLetter(scene, bounds.centerX, bounds.centerY + 8);

    // method to set the letter
    setLetter(letter : string) : void {

        // tint letterToShow black

        // set letterToShow text according to "letter" argument


Custom class to manage the big letter which appears in the big letter box


// this class extends BitmapText class
export default class BigLetter extends Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText {
    constructor(scene : Phaser.Scene, x : number, y : number) {    
        super(scene, x, y, 'bigfont', '');

        // set registration point to center

        // add the letter to the scene

And the prototype is almost complete I only need to add an options menu and a couple of game modes. Download the source code of the entire project.

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