Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview” – Step 3
Here we go with the 3rd step. In this tutorial you will learn how to publish a full featured feed post to your friends’ wall, and to handle “umlauts” characters like “äöü” for the pleasure of our German readers, and for every user who has friends whose names contain special characters. This is the kind … Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview” – Step 3
Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview” – Step 2
In step 1 you learned how to authenticate and select a random friend of yours. In this second part you will learn how to get more information about your friends and how to post the answer on their wall. This is what you will get: and once you hit “Answer and publish” you will post … Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview” – Step 2
Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview”
Do you know Friend Interview? It’s a Facebook application which asks a random question about a random friend of yours, and publish the result on his wall. I won’t publish a snapshot of such app since it’s full of rubbish and ads, but I am sure you know what I am talking about (and moreover … Create a Facebook application like “Friend interview”