Talking about HTML5, Javascript and Phaser.
I always try to be responsive to the feedback from my readers, so when I saw one of you was in trouble with the porting of light and dark using ray casting and visibility polygons to Phaser 3, I decided to update the script.
How could I remain unconcerned to this cry for help:
« Can’t make it work on Phaser 3. 2 weeks in it and still cant do it f*** »
This is pure poetry, LOL.
Anyway, that was an interesting experiment using ray casting merged with Byron Knoll‘s visibility polygon script, rendered with Phaser.
Have a look:
Move the mouse around the stage to see the light polygon.
As said, the source code has been ported to Phaser 3 and commented line by line:
// the game itself
let game;
// game options
let gameOptions = {
// number of boxes in the game
boxes: 10,
// size of each box
sizeRange: {
// min size, in pixels
min: 50,
// max size, in pixels
max: 120
window.onload = function() {
let gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
parent: "thegame",
width: 640,
height: 480
scene: playGame
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
// graphic object used to draw walls
this.wallGraphics =;
this.wallGraphics.lineStyle(1, 0x00ff00);
// graphic object used to draw rays of light
this.lightGraphics =;
// array with all polygons in game
this.polygons = [];
// add random boxes
for(let i = 0; i < gameOptions.boxes; i ++){
// walls around game perimeter
this.polygons.push([[-1, -1], [game.config.width + 1, -1], [game.config.width + 1, game.config.height+1], [-1, game.config.height + 1]]);
// listener for input movement
this.input.on("pointermove", this.renderLight, this);
// method to add a random box
// use a do...while statement because there can't be intersecting polygons
// random x and y coordinates, width and height
var startX = Phaser.Math.Between(10, game.config.width - 10 - gameOptions.sizeRange.max);
var startY = Phaser.Math.Between(10, game.config.height - 10 - gameOptions.sizeRange.max);
var width = Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.sizeRange.min, gameOptions.sizeRange.max);
var height = Phaser.Math.Between(gameOptions.sizeRange.min, gameOptions.sizeRange.max);
// check if current box intersects other boxes
} while(this.boxesIntersect(startX, startY, width, height));
// draw the box
this.wallGraphics.strokeRect(startX, startY, width, height);
// insert box vertices into polygons array
this.polygons.push([[startX, startY], [startX + width, startY], [startX + width, startY + height], [startX, startY + height]]);
// method to check if the box intersects other boxes
boxesIntersect(x, y, w, h){
// loop through existing boxes
for(let i = 0; i < this.polygons.length; i ++){
// if the box intersects the existing i-th box...
if(x < this.polygons[i][1][0] && x + w > this.polygons[i][0][0] && y < this.polygons[i][3][1] && y + h > this.polygons[i][0][1]){
// return true
return true;
// if we reach the end of the loop, return false
return false;
// method to render the light
// determine light polygon starting from pointer coordinates
let visibility = this.createLightPolygon(pointer.x, pointer.y);
// clear and prepare lightGraphics graphic object
this.lightGraphics.lineStyle(2, 0xff8800);
// begin a drawing path
// move the graphic pen to first vertex of light polygon
this.lightGraphics.moveTo(visibility[0][0], visibility[0][1]);
// loop through all light polygon vertices
for(let i = 1; i <= visibility.length; i ++){
// draw a line to i-th light polygon vertex
this.lightGraphics.lineTo(visibility[i % visibility.length][0], visibility[ i %visibility.length][1]);
// close, stroke and fill light polygon
// method to create light polygon using visibility_polygon.js
createLightPolygon(x, y){
let segments = VisibilityPolygon.convertToSegments(this.polygons);
segments = VisibilityPolygon.breakIntersections(segments);
let position = [x, y];
if (VisibilityPolygon.inPolygon(position, this.polygons[this.polygons.length - 1])) {
return VisibilityPolygon.compute(position, segments);
return null;
It could be interesting to turn it into some kind of survival horror, I am gonna give this script a twist later this week, meanwhile download the source code.
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