Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D – Textures
The Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D is growing, and this time I applied some textures to game elements. The following script, which will be explained after I’ll made the same thing with Away3D, show three interesting Flare3D features: * Applying textures on a Cube. * Applying textures only on some faces of a Cube. … Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D – Textures
Flare3D Vs Away3D in the creation of a simple game
If you followed the blog during the latest days, you probably know about the Sokoban prototype made with Flare3D and Away3D. I was making the prototype with Alternativa3D and Papervision3D too, but I dropped both engines because they can’t compete against Flare3D and Away3D. It’s time to compare the engines, to see which works better, … Flare3D Vs Away3D in the creation of a simple game
Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D
You know I love Sokoban game. This is a prototype of a Flash 3D Sokoban made with Flare3D. Flare3D is a real time 3D engine for Flash and Flex optimized for games and animations. My plan is to create this simple prototype with various Flash 3D engines, then compare them with ease of use, performances … Flash 3D Sokoban prototype with Flare3D
Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – Step 4
Welcome to step four. In this step we’ll make plants fire and eventually kill zombies. Let’s start defining when a plant can fire: * When there is at least one zombie on the same row the plant is placed * When it’s not already firing (plants can fire only one bullet at once) * When … Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – Step 4
Creation of realistic Flash water ripples with AS3
This is basically the Flash porting of the Flex experiment made by David Lenaerts in his blog. I found the script a very interesting way to use the NascomASLib, an open source AS3 library that provides a couple of interesting graphic effects such as pixelate and rippler, the one used in the example. The point … Creation of realistic Flash water ripples with AS3
Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – step 3
Here we go with 3rd step of Plants Vs Zombies game. Now we will place the bought plant on the game field and let the zombies enter. Adding a zombie is quite easy because we manage it in the same way we managed the sun. Just like suns appear out of the top of the … Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – step 3
Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – step 2
In the second part of the series, it’s time to raise money to buy a plant. Also, we should add a smooth animation to falling suns, fix a bug which made them appear only on certain tiles and make them disappear if they aren’t picked up after a given amount of time. Fixing the bug … Making a Flash game like Plants Vs Zombies – step 2
Fully explaining a PopCap game
Do you like PopCap games? I love them. They are quick, easy to play and fun, the perfect for making a Flash tutorial series. Starting from Monday 27 December I will make a new Flash tutorial series about a PopCap game. Which one? You decide. Leave a comment to this post with the name of … Fully explaining a PopCap game